“Eco-depression” is a new term I recently heard which made me take a double-take. ” Eco-depression! that is the prefect word for what so many of my clients are experiencing these days”, I said to myself. Just by beginning to talk about it brings this insidious reality out into the light. To further support ourselves in this age, we need to talk about our feelings of anger, sadness, despair and fear. The change starts with us.
I will mention one potent source of relief here. Read the book: The Shambhala Principle, by Sakyong Mipham, which is the most uplifting vision I have heard of the hidden treasure within each of us and within our society. This vision includes mindfulness meditation and weekend workshops in the peaceful warrior tradition, in addition to ancient wisdom teachings.
I will use these approaches in my work if the client feels they want to study further. If you want to discuss this, feel free to email or call me.